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On February 26, 2013, several Rockhill Gardens residents on 74th Street cleared a path through the snow to allow an ambulance to reach a residence where a man suffered cardiac arrest. More information about the good samaritans is provided through the following local news outlets:

The RGNA received the following from a former Rockhill Gardens resident. It is reprinted here with the author's consent.

Good afternoon Patrick and John:

Looking at your wonderful website, I'm sitting here in tears of fond remembrance of my childhood in Rockhill Gardens and tears of joy that there is still apparently a wonderful community life there.

My family lived at 604 East 74th Street from the time the house was built until we moved away from Kansas City in 1957. (My father had passed away in 1952 and my mother remarried.) We moved back to Kansas City in the 1960's, but lived in Johnson Country. Having lived in New Jersey since 1970, I've visited Kansas City on many occasions (still a great deal of family there) and whenever possible take a ride through the "old neighborhood". It is still a wonderful place, well-kept properties, signs of young people (bicycles and toys scattered about)--much as it was 50 years ago when I left.

It is fabulous that you've got this centralized community organization. Just so you know, back when I lived there we had neighborhood talent shows, Halloween parties, etc. A great tradition.

Kudos to you all for carrying it on.


Davi Cohen

Devorah Kanter (my maiden name) Cohen

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